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Napa POA Cooked For The Kiwanis Club Of Napa On August 20, 2022
The Napa Police Officer’s Association cooked for the Kiwanis Club of Napa on August 20, 2022. We served over 50 guests from the California, Nevada And Hawaii district for the Governors Visit.

Provide Your Input On A New Chief Of Police For Napa
The City of Napa is looking for YOUR input on the next Chief of Police. The members of the Napa Police Officers Association are unanimous in supporting an existing Napa Police Department employee leading us into the future. We believe the existing staff has the understanding of our community, department, and city to be a partner in our success. You can give input in three different ways: 1. Taking an online survey by clicking a link: English https://www.surveymon...

Napa POA Letter To Community
**Originally Posted WEDNESDAY, 03 JUNE 2020To our City of Napa Community: Our Association is humbled and grateful for the support we have received from our wonderful community during this time of crisis. As I watched the video of the tragic killing of George Floyd, my heart sank and I was physically ill. As a police officer with the Napa Police Department for over 17 years, I cannot understand how a law enforcement officer could believe his actions of kneeling on someone’s neck was jus...

Coronavirus Safety Tips For Our Community
**Originally Posted MONDAY, 16 MARCH 2020With the rise of Coronavirus and the Flu currently hitting people of all ages around the nation, we ask that our community not panic, follow these simple steps to help keep you and your loved ones healthy and safe! Prevention is key so be sure to share this to help inform our community and let’s work together to put these best practices to use .If you have any questions or concerns please contact or visit your local hospital for more information. For...